How Puppy Chulos came to be
The name 'Puppy Chulos' is a play on words from the Spanish phrase 'Papi Chulo' which means 'Cute Guy'. Therefore, Puppy Chulos means 'Cute Puppies'.
I never thought I would or could fall in love with this breed. I wanted a dog that was unlike all the others. As my life style and work schedule changed, I needed a breed that was wash 'n wear and one that was quick to train. I loved my Mastiffs and Bulldogs but they were hard to travel with due to heat and health issues. Travelling with my Chihuahuas was fun but they are easily lost or stolen. I wanted a friendly breed that would fit all of my needs and the Rat Terrier is definitely that breed.
In April of 2009, I met a breeder in Apple Valley, CA. I didn't think much of the Rat Terriers running around until I met Rocky. He was only 9 months old at the time but he had swagger! He sort of looked like a Basenji with a gracefulness of a Greyhound and the playful attitude of a terrier that I just couldn't describe. He was slightly aloof at first, but very curious and very friendly. I was hooked. Taking a look at Rocky, I decided I had to have him. He was a beautiful small standard who stood at 14 inches tall. The moment I took Rocky home, you could hear the dominoes fall. There was no question I had to get another.
I never thought I would or could fall in love with this breed. I wanted a dog that was unlike all the others. As my life style and work schedule changed, I needed a breed that was wash 'n wear and one that was quick to train. I loved my Mastiffs and Bulldogs but they were hard to travel with due to heat and health issues. Travelling with my Chihuahuas was fun but they are easily lost or stolen. I wanted a friendly breed that would fit all of my needs and the Rat Terrier is definitely that breed.
In April of 2009, I met a breeder in Apple Valley, CA. I didn't think much of the Rat Terriers running around until I met Rocky. He was only 9 months old at the time but he had swagger! He sort of looked like a Basenji with a gracefulness of a Greyhound and the playful attitude of a terrier that I just couldn't describe. He was slightly aloof at first, but very curious and very friendly. I was hooked. Taking a look at Rocky, I decided I had to have him. He was a beautiful small standard who stood at 14 inches tall. The moment I took Rocky home, you could hear the dominoes fall. There was no question I had to get another.
I had to find a compatible female to compliment Rocky. I was lucky to get Adrian from the same breeder and she was from the Point Blank bloodline. I had three wonderful litters from Rocky and Adrian. Rocky's sweetness and Adrian's intelligence and hunting instincts live on in their daughter, Anna...aka...Puppy Chulos' Anna Karenina (pictured below with Adrian). This was the start of Puppy Chulos.
I then had a chance to get Toy Rat Terriers

Minnie and Buster were an older couple that I didn't expect to have. I was told they were young adults and I purchased them sight unseen from the same woman who sold me Rocky. I knew that I was taking a chance but I trusted her enough to know that I would get really good dogs. I did get good quality dogs but they truly were older and if I was lucky I would get at least one litter out of them. Sadly, they were just too old to breed but not too old to have stolen my heart. I had a good year with Buster before he passed on and I had a fun two years with Minnie. They were spunky and very loving right up to the end. I do miss them very much.
And then came the GIANTS
His name was Northwest Decker's William the Conqueror....aka...BILLY! He was the first of my Giants and he absolutely stole my heart. He was very loving and sweet, the epitome of a Gentle Giant. He impressed me more than the typical Rat Terrier as he had a calmer demeanor and he was more thoughtful than reactive to situations. He grew to a stunning 20 inches tall and weighed 50 lbs. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to use him as a stud in my breeding program because he died from a rabies vaccine. This is also why I'm very careful about vaccines now and have stayed on a more holistic regiment.